Jackel, Mathew Monfort, Urs Muller, Jiakai Zhang, Xin Zhang, Jake Zhao, and Karol Zieba.

We have implemented 24 of these DL mutation operators into DeepCrime, the first source-level pre-training mutation tool based on real DL faults. We followed a systematic process to extract the mutation operators from the existing fault taxonomies, with a formal phase of conflict resolution in case of disagreement. We have defined 35 DL mutation operators relying on 3 empirical studies about real faults in DL systems. However, no approach has investigated the possibility to simulate the effects of real DL faults by means of mutation operators. Existing and new testing techniques have been proposed for and adapted to DL systems, including mutation testing.
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Deep Learning (DL) solutions are increasingly adopted, but how to test them remains a major open research problem.